CS 192-24 Project 4: [Auto]Stitching Photo Mosaics

Yuerou Tang

All images except the sticker picture are shot on Nikon D7500 with AF-P NIKKOR 18-55mm DX VR lens.

Section 1: Image Warping and Mosaicing

Part 1: Recovering Homography

I first shot the images on Shattuck Ave.
shattuck left
shattuck right

I choose to project the left image of Shattuck Ave to the right image. First I calculated the projective transformation matrix from left to right with 9 common points I selected from the two images.

Part 2: Warping Images

I used inverse warping to get the warped images. First I calculated the corresponding points in the original image of the warped image with H_inverse. Then I used interpolation to find the value of the warped image pixel. To make sure the full image is warped, I calculated the corresponding points in the warped image of the four corners in the original image, then made a canvas based on coordinates of the four corners in the transformed image.

Image of the left side of Shattuck Ave. warped:
Shattuck left warped

Part 3: Image Rectification

To test that my warping function works properly, I tested the function on this image of a sticker:
After rectification:
sticker warped

Part 4: Blending

Directly adding the two images of Shattuck Ave produces an overly bright overlap region.
shattuck addition
To blend my images, I picked the seam to be in the overlap region of the two images, and use pyramid blending with a mask. Everything left of the seam on the mask is 1 and right of the seam is 0.
shattuck mask
Stitched and Blended:
shattuck stitched

Some other results:

vlsb left
vlsb middle
vlsb stitched

Me in front of Engineering Building:
me left
me right
me complete
After some cropping:
me cropped
Wow look at me and myself!

What I learned:

This is a very cool project!! I learned how to make my own panorama and how to compute homography. It's not magic anymore! This project also utilized some techniques from previous projects such as pyramid blending and inverse warp.

Section 2 Feature Matching for Autostitching

In the previous part, the transformation was computed from the points that I manually selected. In this part, I implemented automatic keypoint detection.

Step 0: Harris Corner Detector

I first applied the Harris Coner Detector to the image. I changed the min_distance parameter in peak_local_max to 5 to reduce the number of corners.
Harris Corner Demo

Step 1: Adaptive Non-Maximal Suppression

We obtained a lot of interest points from the previous step. However, some points are trivial and have very low strength. To suppress this points, I calculated the minimum suppression radius for all the interest points in the image.
ANMS formula
Intuitively, this formula makes sense, because if a interest point is not trivial, then in the neighborhood it resides in, it should be the most significant point in the neighborhood. If this neighborhood is very large, then this point should be very significant. Therefore we rank the minimum suppression radius of all the interest points, and take the top 500 points to be our result for this step.
ANMS result

Step 2: Feature Descriptor extraction

I downscaled the image by 0.2 (40x40 --> 8x8) and took 8x8 patches from the image according to the coordinates of the interest points. Then I normalized the features descriptors. One example feature:
One feature
Where the feature is on the image:
feature location

Step 3: Feature Matching

With the features, it possible to filter out some interest points that don't look the same. By using Lowe's trick, which says if the best match doesn't beat the second best match by too much, then both of them are not the correct match, we can further reduce the number of interest points.
shattuck left matched features
shattuck right matched features

Step 4: RANSAC

RANSAC filters out spatially inconsistent points. First, it randomly select a group of 4 points in the source image, then computes a homography based on these four points. Then it compute the transformation of all the source points based on the homography, and checked the deviation of calculated points location from the actual point location in the destination. Points with a smaller deviation are considered inliers. This process is then repeated many times, and the largest group of inliers is considered the final spatially consistent points. (RANSAC is very robust from my observation)
shattuck left ransac
shattuck right ransac

Final Result

shattuck auto

Same pictures from part 1:

vlsb auto

Me in front of Engineering Stitched:
me auto
me auto cropped

Some new pictures:

Me on two chairs:

chair left chair right
On chair near Warren cropped

Copy pasted me:

warren left
warren right

What have I learned

This is so far my favorite project. In summer when I was working for an organization, they asked me to read a paper which used SIFT features for pairing images together. Understanding that paper was very hard for me -- it took me a week to understand what was going on with Lowe's ratio test in the paper. I also skipped the RANSAC section completely because I could not understand it. 194-26 explained those to me very clearly, and I feel so proud of myself for implementing them in this project :-D